Homepage of "tensorA",
an R package for tensor algebra

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The software on this site is distributed under the GNU Public license as is and comes with absolutely no warranty.

Current version

tensorA_0.2.tar.gz (8 July 2006)

Future versions

Previous versions

0.2 is the first release version.

Known Bugs

Currently the dimnames support is experimentally and not stable. However in the rest of the package there are no currently known bugs. So please complain any bug you find to boogaart@uni-greifswald.de.

What is "tensorA"?

"tensorA", is a new R-package for computations with tensors and datasets of vectors or matrices, written by K. Gerald van den Boogaart, Greifswald. It is now available as a first complete version and can be downloaded from this page.

Simply speaking a tensor is multidimensional array. And seen from this point of view the package just provides some additional operations of arrays. All those who want to do computations on arrays that are most naturally expressed in operations of tensors, vectors and matrices of vectors or matrices will find this package useful for several reasons:

If you have ever used the dim(x)<-value construct to reshape your matrix for the next %*% you will be a friend of tensorA.
Letzte Änderung:10 Jul 2006