Homepage of "compositions", an R package for compositional data analysis
What is "compositions"?
"compositions", is an R-package for the analysis of
compositional and positive data using different approaches, written by K. Gerald van den
Boogaart, Greifswald and Raimon Tolosana, Girona. It is now available as a
second version and can be downloaded from this page.
Composition offers methods for the statistical analysis of four different
scales of amount data:
acomp Compositional data with relative geometry (Aitchison Simplex)
rcomp Compositional data in absolute geometry (Classical Simplex)
aplus Positive data with relative geometry (Log-scale analysis)
You need an installation of the free statistical computing language R, which can be downloaded from http://www.cran.r-project.org, to use
the package.
Download compositions
Under windows you can install a downloaded package by the menu command
"Install package from local zip archive". Under UNIX you need to give the
command R CMD INSTALL compositions_0.9-10.tar.gz as root. To
unbundle the file you need to give the command tar -xzvf